Sample Email for Implementing TMC Tools
Wondering where to start rolling out all you learned from Managing to Change the World? Try this sample email for rolling out TMC tools with your staff!
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Wondering where to start rolling out all you learned from Managing to Change the World? Try this sample email for rolling out TMC tools with your staff!
Project leaders and managers: use this worksheet to figure out how engaged you’ll be in a project you’re delegating.
Preparing for a unionization process? Use this sample project plan to get ready for the first two phases of unionization: recognition and preparing for bargaining.
Use this resource to help support your managers through bargaining a first contract.
Use this resource to help prepare your managers for bargaining at the beginning of a unionization process.
Preparing for a unionization process? Use this resource to prepare to announce staff unionization to managers at your organization
This sample agenda helps you plan “stay conversations” with the staff you want to retain.
Sometimes the best thing you can do during hard times is give your team some time off. This sample email turns a planned meeting/retreat into a mental health day.
Seeking other perspectives is a great way to get a full picture of your staff members’ contributions and impact. This sample email makes reaching out to people easy—and your intentions clear.
Un plan de mejora del rendimiento (PIP) es un plan escrito con pasos claros para ayudar a su personal a alcanzar el nivel de rendimiento esperado para su función. Este kit de herramientas incluye dos recursos: 1) una hoja de trabajo de preparación para gerentes, que puede ser útil tanto si se está preparado para un PIP formal y 2) una plantilla para un Plan de Mejora del Rendimiento por escrito que puede rellenar y compartir con su miembro del personal.