Sample Auto Response Email: Slowing Down and Prioritizing Care - The Management Center
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Looking for more space to slow down and prioritize care amidst moments of crisis? Check out the email below, written by Je’Kendria Trahan (Executive Director, Collective Action for Safe Spaces) as an auto response. Je’Kendria has kindly given us permission to share this as a sample.

Subject: Slow Response Season—Prioritizing Community & Self Care

Hey there,

Thank you for reaching out! As you know, we’re living in a tumultuous time full of grief, loss, and violence. This world has taken such a toll on our bodies, minds, spirits, and relationships, and it is not sustainable to push through these traumatic times by moving with persistent urgency or overextending our labor.

To that end, I will be responding to emails at a slower pace to make way for more care and responsiveness to our collective wellbeing. If you are in need of something urgent, please indicate that in the subject line.

CASS is fortunate enough to be in a place to move with ease in this moment, and we are truly grateful for your patience with us as we push through this global crisis.

Thank you for your continued investment in supporting CASS. ❤️

Much love and appreciation,
Je’Kendria Trahan

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