2 min read

In a crisis, a big part of every leader’s job is to provide a container for staff—that is, to make sense of what’s happening. Effective communication can promote the stability, continuity, and sense of purpose that helps people cope during tough times.

Here are the key components we recommend:

  1. Purpose: What’s happening and what you’re called to do.
  2. Uncertainties: The unknowns, sticking points, and tensions.
  3. Scenarios: How you’re moving forward in ways that reflect the uncertainties.
  4. Team impact and expectations: How people might be affected by the plan(s).
  5. What’s next: What people can expect from you moving forward.

Get started now with our simple Communication Planning Worksheet below. Reference our article Managing Through Uncertainty: What to Communicate to Your Team if you need additional guidance or sample language for each component.

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