Sarah Storm - The Management Center
Headshot of Sarah Storm
Vice President, Client Support
Admin Education Sector

Sarah is an Inupiaq educator with a passion for supporting teachers, school leaders, and communities in providing a rigorous education and welcoming environment to all K-12 students. Before joining the Management Center, she spent three years with DC Public Schools’ Central Office, managing school-based personnel evaluation systems and working with teachers, instructional coaches, and school leaders on setting student achievement goals. Sarah’s education career began in the classroom as a high school mathematics teacher in Southeast Arkansas, before moving to Washington DC to work with Teach for America managing operations and finances while also earning her M.Ed in Curriculum, Instruction, Policy, and Leadership from American University. Originally from Seattle, Sarah now lives in DC with her two dogs, Stella and Charlie, and enjoys spending time working with animal rescues and going to intertribal celebrations.