Amy Sonnie - The Management Center
Headshot of Amy Sonnie
Partner, Content and Communications

Amy is passionate about media and design that amplifies movements for dignity and freedom. She is the author of two acclaimed books on social justice movements: Revolutionary Voices, which introduced a rising generation of LGBTQ youth activists more than 20 years ago, and Hillbilly Nationalists, Urban Race Rebels and Black Power, which explores interracial solidarity and organizing among poor white communities in the 1960s. For more than two decades, Amy has worked at the intersection of media, libraries, education, and nonprofit management. As co-founder of the Center for Media Justice with Malkia Cyril and Jen Soriano, Amy helped build a national network to advance media rights among marginalized communities. For 10 years, Amy served as a librarian leading award-winning youth and civic engagement programs, while supporting libraries to operationalize racial equity. She earned her MLIS from San Jose State University, and a Dual B.A. in Journalism and Women’s Studies from Syracuse University. She lives in the Bay Area among beloved community, where you can find her dancing, hosting Zoom karaoke, and reading (of course).