“That’s how we’ve always done it!” (A guide to using PTR)
Learn about PTR, a tool that can help you focus on what really matters so that you can mitigate bias and get to better outcomes.
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Learn about PTR, a tool that can help you focus on what really matters so that you can mitigate bias and get to better outcomes.
Check out some examples of PTR in action, and how to manage towards your requirements with your preferences and traditions in mind.
Try our “MOCHA” model (Manager, Owner, Consulted, Helper, Approver) to establish clear roles on projects.
Check out these videos that answer some frequently asked questions about MOCHA.
Here’s an email you can use to introduce our MOCHA model for clarifying project roles and get everyone using the same vocabulary.
Project leaders and managers: use this worksheet to figure out how engaged you’ll be in a project you’re delegating.
Setting and aligning on expectations is the starting point for all things management—whether you’re hiring, setting goals, delegating projects, or evaluating performance. Here are three simple steps for getting aligned on expectations.
Project leaders and managers: use this worksheet when delegating a new project or responsibility to get aligned on expectations, resources, constraints, and how you’ll check in about progress.
By debriefing at the end of a project, you can capture lessons learned to ensure even better results next time. This template will help you ask the right questions.
When looking for work you can delegate, ask yourself: what are the areas where you can make the greatest impact and leverage your strengths? Use comparative advantage to decide what work you should own and what you should delegate.